domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

China is the largest trading partner of more than half of the world's countries, and that trend will increase after the pandemic. What about deglobalization or decoupling?

China is currently the largest trading partner of more than half of the countries in the world, and many especially depend on China as the largest source of their imports (See table below). This was evident in this pandemic when it was seen that everyone bought masks, gloves, personal protective equipment, and even test kits from that country. In fact, everyone realized, if did had not already, that China is the world's factory.
But China is the first country to recover economically by being the first to control the pandemic, while others, especially in Europe and North America, will take longer to do so. Thus, the demand of China will increase faster than others and this will increase purchases from other countries, and its sales to other countries, so that the role of China as the largest trading partner of many will continue to strengthen, and others, which still have not yet China as their biggest trading partner, they will have.
There is talk of deglobalization, decoupling, that USA, Europe want to depend less on China. These countries are said to want to produce for themselves things that are produced only or mostly in the Asian giant. For example, it is said that they should not be depended on China for the gloves, masks, and other supplies needed to deal with the pandemic. But will deglobalization be possible?
It is likely that some countries, especially the United States, in Western Europe and even Japan, will actually begin to produce the goods and medical supplies necessary to face the pandemic, but it is very difficult for them to do the same on a large scale for other products. . Why? Here are some reasons:
1. Producing masks, gloves, even personal protective equipment is not an activity that demands a lot of money and great technology. How much can it cost to put one of those factories, 5 million dollars, or up to 50 million dollars? But setting up a home appliance or smartphone factory costs much more, surely more than 10 times what it costs to produce those medical supplies.
2. The companies that went to China to produce many of the products made there did not do so because they liked that country (and if they liked it, that was not the main reason). They did so because the cost of labor is (or was) very cheap, they could produce at low cost and their benefits were greater. That they go back to producing in the US for example it will be very difficult because the cost of labor is very high there. And even if they manage to produce in their countries, they would do so at a high cost and could not compete with the cheaper products that come from China.
3. Businesses went to China not only for cheap labor, which, incidentally, is increasing in cost. They invested and continue to do so because this country offers them a whole stable economic ecosystem that allows them to produce at low cost. China offers a physical infrastructure, logistics, roads, ports, airports, which make it possible for the parts and components necessary to produce a product to move quickly and at low cost, and also for the final product to move anywhere in the world in a convenient way. fast and cheap. Apart from that, China offers a stable economic and social system that does not exist in many other places in the world.
4. Although it is true that labor in China is no longer as cheap as before, companies go or stay there because they have there a large number of skilled labor unlike in other parts of the world. In addition, it has a large number of professionals especially from the engineering necessary for the production processes. Recall that in China graduates twice as many engineers a year as in the United States.
5. A product requires the use of parts and components for its final assembly, and that final assembly is mostly done in China, using parts and components from many countries, increasingly from places near China, such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, etc. Shift the production of a good that is assembled in China to do it in the USA. for example, it makes little sense as the parts and components will continue to be brought from places close to China. Not only that, China itself increasingly produces parts and components that are used in the final assembly of a product, so even though they assemble the final good in the U.S. for example, they will continue to buy parts and components from China.
6. Companies go to China also because it offers a very open system for foreign investment compared to countries with which they could be an alternative to China. India, for example, has even cheaper labor than China, but this country still has many restrictions on foreign investment and an inflexible labor market. Vietnam is also mentioned as another possible alternative, but this country only has 95 million inhabitants and it could not compete with China either, like India, in the level of infrastructure it offers.

7. Another reason is that there are not many countries in the world that have an industrial policy where the State offers all the support for the establishment of an industry like China does. The pandemic crisis has shown, for example, that many countries cannot even make masks, a product that, as stated, does not require much technology or investment
8. The main reason why companies initially went to China was because of the cheap labor there, and because they were going to use China as a base to export to the world. But now companies are there mainly because the Chinese market is the largest consumer market in the world, and they want to sell to the domestic market. This country with its middle class and its growing purchasing power is where many companies want to go. And they are not going to leave China, even if their governments ask them to.
For these and other reasons, a pronounced de-globalization or decoupling process does not appear to be a viable option. The US Trade War with China, the restrictions that the US puts to China will make sure that China begins to produce more and more parts and components vital for its industries and that still buys from the US. In any case, the Chinese “Made in China 2025” plan had that objective, since in 2015 it proposed that by 2025, China should produce 70% of the basic components of 10 main industries.
Main trade partners by country, Exports (X) and Imports (M), year 2018 (% of total) *
Country/Economy (year, if different of 2018)
1.       Afganistán
X Pakistán 42.86
M Irán 17.07
India 40.64

China 15.74
China 3.21

Pakistán 14.67
Turquía 2.49

Kazajstán 10.68
Irán 2.29

Uzbekistán 7.48
Italia 48.03
Italia 27.33
Serbia 11.32
Turquía 8.45
España 7.79 China 8.39
Alemania 4.33
Grecia 8.13
Grecia 4.22
Alemania 7.73
EEUU 8.60
China 9.80
Francia 7.96
Países bajos 8.12
China 7.07
EEUU 6.06
Países bajos 6.37
Francia 5.98
Reino Unido 6.19
Italia 5.51
China 58.92
China 14.11
India 9.37
Portugal 13.36
EAU 3.97
Singapur 11.09
España 2.92
Bélgica 6.16
Sudáfrica 2.85
Togo 5.86
Antigua y Barbuda
EAU 31.33
EUU 49.77

EEUU 18.60
China 5.92
Países bajos 11.96
Japón 4.59
San Martin 6.89
Trinidad y Tobago 3.89
Dominica 5.65
Reino Unido 3.70
Arabia Saudita
No especificados 78.63
China 16.45
China 3.30
EEUU 13.34
EAU 2.76
EAU 8.93
Singapur 1.36
Alemania 5.39
India 1.21
India 4.20
Argelia 2017
Italia 16.00
China 18.06
Francia 12.59
Francia 9.33
España 11.66
Italia 8.15
EEUU 9.85
Alemania 7.00
Brasil 6.05
España 6.80
Brasil 18.34
Brasil 23.80
EEUU 6.95
China 13.42
China 6.84
EEUU 9.59
Chile 4.93
Alemania 5.12
Vietnam 3.41
Paraguay 3.32
Rusia 26.93
Rusia 25.97
Suiza 14.16
China 13.63
Bulgaria 9.02
Irán 5.55
Iraq 6.32
Turquía 5.17
Alemania 5.71
Alemania 4.99
China 34.71
China 24.50
Japón 16.36
EEUU 10.47
Corea 7.02
Japón 7.37
India 4.89
Alemania 4.94
EEUU 3.38
Tailandia 4.89
11. Austria
Alemania 30.00
Alemania 35.47
EEUU 7.05
Italia 6.36
Italia 6.43
China 5.84
Suiza 4.96
Suiza 4.61
Francia 4.26
Republica checa 4.34
Italia 30.22 Rusia 16.64
Turquía 9.38
Turquía 13.76
Israel 6.74
China 10.44
Republica Checa 4.82 Alemania 5.75
India 4.21
EEUU 4.60
No especificados 48.08
Arabia saudita 33.08
Arabia saudita 13.32
China 9.12
EAU 6.12
EAU 6.35
EEUU 4.76
EEUU 5.85
Omán 4.56
Australia 4.59
Bangladesh 2015
EEUU 19.35
China 21.53
Alemania 14.73
India 12.24
Reino Unido 11.03
Singapur 9.19
España 5.82
Hong Kong 5.82
Francia 5.53
Indonesia 4.59
Rusia 38.19
Rusia 58.39
Ucrania 12.04
China 7.84

Reino unido 9.11
Alemania 4.72
Alemania 4.28
Ucrania 3.63

Países bajos 4.24
Polonia 3.13
EEUU 31.33
EEUU 42.52
Reino Unido 30.07
China 12.01
Jamaica 6.19
México 10.75
Irlanda 5.30
Guatemala 7.44
Barbados 4.27
Panamá 3.11
Alemania 17.94
Países bajos 19.97
Francia 14.46
Alemania 13.09
Países bajos 12.23
Francia 9.43
Reino Unido 7.89
EEUU 6.83
EEUU 5.18
Irlanda 5.14
Bangladesh 22.73
Tailandia 13.98
India 18.73
India 12.10
Vietnam 10.01
Togo 9.33
Nigeria 7.91
China 7.77
China 7.71
Francia 7.08
Brasil 18.98
China 20.66
Argentina 16.01
Brasil 16.05
India 7.98
Argentina 11.61
Japón 7.40
Perú 6.67
Corea 6.37
EEUU 6.36
China 26.76
China 19.16
EEUU 12.16
EEUU 16.19
Argentina 6.23
Argentina 6.10
Países bajos 5.45
Alemania 5.83
Chile 2.66

Corea 2.97
Japón 34.72
China 39.42
Tailandia 10.49
Singapur 13.80
Corea 9.35
Malasia 13.24
Australia 8.80
EEUU 8.67
Singapur 8.47
Japón 3.86
22. Bulgaria
Alemania 14.59
Alemania 12.37
Italia 8.52
Rusia 9.72
Rumania 8.37
Italia 7.54
Turquía 7.80
Rumania 6.87
Grecia 6.60
Turquía 6.26
Cabo Verde
España 65.02
Portugal 43.16
Portugal 15.19
España 14.51
Italia 13.29
Bélgica 7.42
EEUU 2.48
Países bajos 6.03

Curacao 1.55
China 5.80
Camboya 2016
EEUU 21.32
China 36.79
Reino Unido 9.47
Tailandia 15.44
Alemania 8.98
Vietnam 11.45
Japón 8.21
Otras zonas de Asia 5.67
Canadá 6.50
Singapur 4.56
Camerún 2017
Italia 13.88
China 17.22
China 12.09
Francia 7.80
Francia 10.51
Tailandia 5.74
Países bajos 9.58
Togo 5.11
España 9.04
Nigeria 4.91
EEUU 75.02
EEUU 51.13
China 4.74
China 12.68
Reino Unido 2.80
México 6.17
Japón 2.22
Alemania 3.20
México 1.41
Japón 2.83
China 33.50
China 23.59
EEUU 13.79
EEUU 18.87
Japón 9.33
Brasil 9.00
Corea 5.75
Argentina 4.59
Brasil 4.49
Alemania 3.93
EEUU 19.23
Corea 9.58
Hong Kong 12.15
Japón 8.45
Japón 5.90
Otras zonas de Asia 8.31
Corea 4.37
EEUU 7.31
Vietnam 3.37
Alemania 4.98
Islas Caimán 14.88 
Grecia 17.77
Libia 9.02
Italia 8.27
Isla Bunker 7.47
Corea 6.99
Grecia 6.57
Reino Unido 6.58
No especificados 5.71
Israel 5.64
EEUU 27.07
EEUU 25.56
China 9.70
China 20.58
Panamá 7.34
México 7.71
Ecuador 4.43
Brasil 5.52
Turquía 4.04
Alemania 4.24
31. Congo 2017
China 33.89
Islas Heard y McDonald 10.18

España 12.38
Namibia 8.75
Angola 6.43
Francia 8.00
Islas Heard y McDonald 5.67
Angola 7.00
Cameron 5.32
China 6.49
China 26.81
China 19.90
EEUU 12.08
EEUU 11.04
Vietnam 8.04
Japón 10.20
Hong Kong 7.60
Arabia saudita 4.92

Japón 5.05
Alemania 3.90
Costa Rica
EEUU 41.10
EEUU 39.10
Países bajos 6.03
China 13.71
Bélgica 6.00
México 7.05
Panamá 5.16
Guatemala 2.51
Guatemala 5.07
Alemania 2.50
Italia 14.59
Alemania 15.25
Alemania 13.24
Italia 13.19
Eslovenia 11.06
Eslovenia 11.17
Bosnia y Herzegovina 9.37
Hungría 7.65
Austria 6.45
Austria 6.89
Categorías especiales 15.82
Alemania 22.56
Alemania 14.76
Suecia 11.80
Suecia 10.44
Países bajos 7.67
Reino Unido 6.30
China 7.09
Noruega 5.83
Noruega 5.11
EEUU 30.88
EEUU 21.77

Perú 7.48
China 18.91
China 6.92
Colombia 7.86
Chile 6.79
Panamá 4.89
Panamá 6.76
Brasil 4.26
Italia 6.99
China 14.22
Turquía 6.86
Arabia saudita 7.000
EAU 6.76
EEUU 6.75
EEUU 5.88
Rusia 6.00
Arabia saudita 4.89
Alemania 5.12
38. El Salvador
EEUU 44.45
EEUU 32.11

Honduras 15.34
China 14.01
Guatemala 14.36
Guatemala 9.89
Nicaragua 6.88
México 7.86
Costa Rica 4.39
Honduras 6.37
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
No especificados 55.24
China 15.54
Arabia Saudita 5.59
India 9.43
India 3.31
EEUU 8.55
Iraq 2.92
Japón 5.64
Omán 2.65
Alemania 4.47
Alemania 20.30
Alemania 16.29
Italia 12.47
Italia 13.66
Croacia 8.11
Austria 8.08
Austria 7.54
China 6.23
Francia 5.59
Croacia 4.43
Francia 15.42
Alemania 12.57

Alemania 11.04
Francia 10.81
Italia 8.15
China 8.44
Portugal 7.55
Italia 6.61
Reino Unido 6.79
EEUU 4.12
Canadá 18.00
China 21.57
México 15.94
México 13.37
China 7.21
Canadá 12.47
Japón 4.52
Japón 5.59
Reino Unido 3.98
Alemania 4.91
Finlandia 5.13
Alemania 9.95
Suecia 10.40
Rusia 9.76
Letonia 9.09
Finlandia 9.37
Rusia 8.71
China 8.42
EEUU 6.93
Lituania 6.02
Etiopia 2016
EEUU 9.83
China 31.88
Arabia saudita 9.69
EEUU 8.80
Alemania 8.60
India 7.45
Suiza 7.59
Kuwait 5.56
China 5.14
Japón 4.17
45. Federación de Rusia
China 12.41
China 21.74
Países bajos 9.62
Alemania 10.62
Alemania 7.57
Belarus 5.37
Belarus 5.05
EEUU 5.28
Turquía 4.72
Italia 4.40
EEUU 17.95
Singapur 20.84
Australia 12.91
China 16.32
Isla Bunker 8.01
Australia 15.72
Japón 7.42
Nueva Zelanda 14.62
Nueva Zelanda 6.55
Japón 4.68
EEUU 15.63
China 19.63
Hong Kong 14.16
Corea 10.00
Japón 14.04
Japón 9.91
China 12.89
EEUU 7.21
Singapur 6.27
Tailandia 6.91
Alemania 14.82
Alemania 15.19
Suecia 10.22
Rusia 13.90
Países bajos 6.49
Suecia 10.76
EEUU 6.46
China 6.95
China 5.45
Países bajos 4.64
Alemania 14.64
Alemania 15.51
EEUU 7.97
China 8.95
España 7.80
Italia 7.65
Italia 7.52
Bélgica 7.04
Bélgica 7.09
España 6.51
Mali 46.39
Cote d´ivoire 46.43

Corea 12.73
Brasil 8.03
India 7.48
China 6.66
Vietnam 5.98
India 5.11
Países bajos 4.99
España 2.87
Azerbaiyán 14.96
Turquía 16.12
Rusia 13.01
Rusia 10.23
Armenia 8.30
China 9.13
Bulgaria 7.71
Azerbaiyán 6.49
Turquía 6.96
Ucrania 5.63
India 21.46
China 19.13
China 11.88
EEUU 8.03
Sudáfrica 10.19
Bélgica 5.82
Suiza 9.54
India 5.67
Países bajos 7.19
Reino Unido 5.09
53. Grecia
Italia 10.31
Alemania 10.09
Alemania 6.31
Iraq 8.24
Turquía 6.08
Italia 7.53
Chipre 5.23
Rusia 7.50
Líbano 4.45
China 6.51
Guinea 2015
Ghana 22.02
China 14.93
India 16.37
Países bajos 13.43
EAU 9.92
India 10.89
España 8.63
Bélgica 8.11
Alemania 7.29
Francia 6.68
Guatemala 2017
EEUU 34.49
EEUU 39.93
El Salvador 11.05
China 10.72
Honduras 8.78
México 10.69
Nicaragua 5.11
El Salvador 5.29
México 4.64
Costa Rica 3.32
Canadá 26.85
EEUU 57.02
EEUU 15.36
Trinidad y Tobago 18.17
Panamá 10.93
China 5.50
EAU 7.23
Surinam 2.96
Ucrania 5.26
Japón 1.46
Honduras 2017
EEUU 40.24
EEUU 34.69
Alemania 7.92
China 15.05
Bélgica 7.01
Guatemala 8.63
Países bajos 5.88
México 7.43
El Salvador 5.78
El Salvador 4.49
Hong Kong
China 55.23
China 44.79
EEUU 8.06
Otra zona de Asia no espec. 6.90
India 3.15
Singapur 6.44
Japón 2.91
Corea 5.67
Tailandia 2.36
Japón 5.56
Alemania 27.27
Alemania 25.95
República Eslovaca 5.18
Austria 6.10
Italia 5.17
Polonia 5.77
Rumania 5.13
China 5.43
Austria 4.73
Países bajos 5.12
EEUU 16.02
China 14.63
EAU 8.85
EEUU 6.30
China 5.08
Arabia saudita 5.56
 Hong Kong 4.07
EAU 5.20
Singapur 3.24
Iraq 4.60
61. Indonesia
China 15.05
China 24.13
Japón 10.81
Singapur 11.36
EEUU 10.25
Japón 9.53
India 7.62
Tailandia 5.80
Singapur 7.21
EEUU 5.41
Irán 2017
Otras zonas de Asia 42.35
China 25.41
No especificado 14.07
EAU 15.85
China 8.56
Corea 7.13
EAU 6.33
Turquía 6.17
Iraq 6.07
Alemania 5.95
Iraq 2014
No especificado 99.76
China 28.35
EAU 0.15
EAU 14.93

No especificados 14.10

Corea 7.84

EEUU 6.56
EEUU 27.78
Reino Unido 21.93
Bélgica 13.07
EEUU 17.47
Reino Unido 11.43
Francia 12.60
Alemania 7.49
Alemania 11.72
Países bajos 5.42
China 5.81
Países bajos 30.22
Noruega 11.43
Reino Unido 9.91
China 8.85
España 8.25
Alemania 8.75
EEUU 6.90
EEUU 8.48
Francia 6.43
Países bajos 6.34
EEUU 27.11
China 13.67
China 7.74
EEUU 13.38
Reino Unido 7.12
Turquía 8.11
Hong Kong 6.77
Rusia 6.10
Isla Bunker 5.60
Alemania 6.10
Alemania 12.50
Alemania 16.48
Francia 10.46
Francia 8.60
EEUU 10.11
China 7.25
España 5.20
Países bajos 5.33
Reino Unido 5.11
España 4.87
68. Jamaica 2017
EEUU 41.06
EEUU 42.41
Países bajos 12.00
Japón 6.29
Canadá 9.59
China 6.27
Reino Unido 3.93
Trinidad y Tobago 5.14
Islandia 3.88
Colombia 4.86
China 19.51
China 23.20
EEUU 19.05
EEUU 11.17
Corea 7.11
Australia 6.11
Otra zona de Asia no especificada 5.74
Arabia Saudita 4.51
Hong Kong 4.70
Corea 4.29
EEUU 22.82
Arabia saudita 16.59
Zonas francas 12.42
China 13.62
Arabia Saudita 9.87
EEUU 8.69
Iraq 9.13
Alemania 4.68
India 8.86
EAU 4.05
Italia 19.20
Rusia 39.33
China 10.32
China 16.00
Países bajos 10.12
Alemania 4.87
Rusia 8.64
Italia 4.41
Francia 6.28
EEUU 3.80
Uganda 10.10
China 21.07
Pakistán 9.69
India 10.53
EEUU 7.72
Arabia saudita 9.81
Países bajos 7.56
EAU 8.38
Reino Unido 6.56
Japón 5.67
Reino Unido 36.51
China 36.70
Rusia 19.43
Rusia 28.55
Kazajstán 14.73
Kazajstán 11.39
Uzbekistán 8.64
Turquía 5.48
Turquía 5.68
Uzbekistán 3.36
Kiribati 2016
Malasia 33.38
Australia 21.83
EEUU 21.18
Fiji 21.77
Fiji 14.87
China 9.57
Nueva Zelanda 14.40
Nueva Zelanda 8.19
Japón 4.25
Singapur 7.57
75. Kuwait
No especificados 90.87
China 16.67

India 1.58
EEUU 8.65
China 1.32
EAU 8.64
EAU 1.11
Japón 5.87
Iraq 0.87
Alemania 5.70
Rusia 14.00
Rusia 14.17
Letonia 9.80
Alemania 11.98
Polonia 8.25
Polonia 11.51
Alemania 7.38
Letonia 7.16
EEUU 5.03
Países bajos 4.94
EAU 15.49
China 10.25
Arabia Saudita 4.19
Grecia 8.55
Siria 6.96
Italia 7.96
Sudáfrica 5.89
EEUU 7.20
Iraq 4.99
Alemania 5.85
Alemania 26.31
Bélgica 25.47
Francia 14.68
Alemania 23.34
Bélgica 11.78
Francia 12.47
Países bajos 5.99
No especificados 5.57
Italia 4.01
apón bajos 3.86
Alemania 47.03
Alemania 11.60
Serbia 7.86
Reino Unido 9.54
Bulgaria 5.22
Grecia 8.47
Bélgica 3.75
Serbia 7.14
Grecia 3.26
China 5.78
EEUU 20.64
China 20.18
Francia 20.28
EAU 10.88
Alemania 6.75
Francia 9.78
Japón 6.53
India 6.31
Países bajos 4.81
Sudáfrica 5.65
81. Malasia
Singapur 13.94
China 19.93
China 13.91
Singapur 11.72
EEUU 9.11
EEUU 7.40
Hong Kong 7.47
Otra zona de Asia 7.24
Japón 6.92
Japón 7.24
Malawi 2017
Bélgica 21.96
Sudáfrica 17.75
Sudáfrica 7.81
China 14.68
Tanzania 7.71
India 10.92
Alemania 5.68
EAU 6.82
Egipto 5.55
Reino Unido 5.30
Tailandia 36.26
EAU 18.13
Alemania 12.71
China 16.49
Reino Unido 9.23
Singapur 12.47
EEUU 8.28
India 9.68
Francia 7.40
Malasia 7.84
Mali 2017
Sudáfrica 41.01
Senegal 20.52
Suiza 21.43
China 15.22
Burkina faso 6.13
Cote d´Ivoire 9.67
Bangladesh 5.84
Francia 7.88
Cote d’ Ivoire 4.93
Alemania 3.60
Isla Bunker 15.66
Italia 23.04
Alemania 12.84
Reino Unido 8.25
Italia 9.91
Alemania 7.32
Francia 8.27
España 5.09
Libia 6.52
Francia 4.84
España 23.60
España 15.82
Francia 21.76
Francia 11.89
EEUU 4.70
China 8.83
Italia 4.28
EEUU 7.95
India 3.76
Italia 5.59
Francia 14.00
India 18.25
EEUU 11.95
China 16.51
Reino Unido 11.28
Sudáfrica 9.23
Sudáfrica 10.97
Francia 8.20
Madagascar 6.13
EAU 3.42
Mauritania 2017
China 35.10
Corea 18.00
Suiza 15.40
EAU 8.91
España 11.61
Noruega 7.84
Japón 7.16
Bélgica 6.51
Italia 5.08
apón bajos 6.14
EEUU 76.49
EEUU 46.59
No especificados 5.48
China 17.99
Canadá 3.12
Japón 3.92
China 1.60
Alemania 3.83
Alemania 1.57
Corea 3.60
China 92.78
China 33.51
Reino Unido 2.47
Rusia 29.11
Rusia 1.23
Japón 9.55
Italia 0.77
Corea 4.47
Singapur 0.43
EEUU 3.60
91. Mozambique
India 27.63
Sudáfrica 261.2
Países bajos 21.23
China 11.78
Sudáfrica 17.24
EAU 7.65
China 5.81
Países bajos 7.63
Hong Kong 2.39
India 7.23
China 33.35
China 32.17
Tailandia 18.34
Singapur 19.08
Japón 8.32
Tailandia 13.41
India 3.44
India 5.12
Hong Kong 3.40
Indonesia 4.84
Nepal 2017
India 56.72
India 64.95
EEUU 11.15
China 12.63
Turquía 6.42
Noe especificados 2.06
Alemania 3.93
EAU 1.74
Reino Unido 3.42
Francia 1.55
EEUU 61.11
EEUU 27.77
El Salvador 5.70
China 13.24
México 5.63
México 10.07
Honduras 4.39
Honduras 7.71
Costa Rica 3.10
Guatemala 6.19
Níger 2016
Francia 31.27
Francia 28.34
Tailandia 11.60
China 16.17
Malasia 11.12
EEUU 7.77
Nigeria 9.46
Nigeria 5.83
Mali 5.63
Tailandia 5.78
India 15.88
China 19.41
Países bajos 10.74
Países bajos 11.41
España 10.13
Corea 10.83
Francia 7.93
Bélgica 8.45
Sudáfrica 6.38
EEUU 7.35
97. Noruega
Reino Unido 21.64
Suecia 12.09
Alemania 15.98
Alemania 10.90
Países bajos 10.62
China 10.04
Francia 6.71
EEUU 7.73
Suecia 6.69
Dinamarca 5.48
Nueva Zelanda
China 24.73
China 19.76
Australia 19.92
Australia 11.48
EEUU 9.60
EEUU 10.12
Japón 6.08
apón 6.94
Corea 3.04
Alemania 5.05
No especificados 65.31
EAU 45.88
EAU 6.95
China 5.90
Qatar 4.30
India 4.39
Arabia saudita 3.98
Qatar 3.53
India 2.98
Arabia Saudita 3.21
Países bajos
Alemania 21.67
Alemania 17.62
Bélgica 10.12
Bélgica 10.35
Reino Unido 8.07
China 9.19
Francia 7.82
EEUU 7.89

EEUU 4.82
Reino Unido 5.75

Panamá (2016)
EEUU 20.62
China 31.33

Colombia 9.50
Singapur 18.93
No especificado 8.97
EEUU 9.53
Costa Rica 6.73
México 5.21
Venezuela 5.38
Vietnam 3.40
EEUU 16.09
China 24.18
China 7.69
EAU 14.41
Reino Unido 7.32
Arabia saudita 5.39
Afganistán 5.70
EEUU 4.90
Alemania 5.55
Indonesia 4.16
Brasil 31.06
China 28.23
Argentina 24.20
Brasil 22.33
Rusia 8.67
Argentina 9.98
Chile 6.91
EEUU 8.16
India 2.74
Países bajos 3.47
104. Perú
China 27.64
China 23.33
EEUU 16.71
EEUU 21.27
India 5.18
Brasil 5.60
Corea 5.14
México 4.46
Japón 4.55
Ecuador 4.46
Alemania 28.15
Alemania 22.40
Republica Checa 6.36
China 11.57
Reino Unido 6.19
Rusia 7.34
Francia 5.55
Italia 5.02
Italia 4.60
Francia 3.65
España 25.27
España 31.34
Francia 12.72
Alemania 13.85
Alemania 11.48
Francia 7.63
Reino Unido 6.36
Italia 5.32
EEUU 4.94
Países bajos 5.20
Corea 15.73
EEUU 19.30

Japón 12.94
China 12.15
China 12.11
India 6.11
India 8.69
Alemania 6.02
Singapur 6.74
Reino Unido 5.56
Reino Unido
EEUU 13.44
Alemania 13.71
Alemania 9.68
China 9.44
Países bajos 7.03
EEUU 9.42
Francia 6.54
Países bajos 8.32
Irlanda 5.76
Francia 5.64
República Centroafricana 2017
Francia 61.13
Francia 26.13
Benin 9.90
Camerún 2.25
China 6.96
Bélgica 8.14
Chad 4.55
China 6.62
Pakistán 3.94
Japón 6.07
Republica Checa
Alemania 32.41
Alemania 25.08
República Eslovaca 7.55
China 14.09
Polonia 6.04
Polonia 7.64
Francia 5.07
República Eslovaca 4.96
Reino Unido 4.64
Italia 4.17
Lao 2016
China 36.12
Tailandia 61.88
Tailandia 31.29
China 18.24
Vietnam 17.22
Vietnam 10.06
India 2.80
Japón 2.16
Japón 1.85
Corea 1.96
112. Republica Dominicana 2017
EEUU 53.25
EEUU 44.43

Haití 9.63
China 13.20
Canadá 8.90
México 4.61
India 6.53
Brasil 3.40
Suiza 2.76
España 3.28
República Eslovaca
Alemania 22.17
Alemania 18.08
Republica Checa 11.75
Republica Checa 10.29
Polonia 7.65
No especificado 7.81
Francia 6.32
China 5.97
Japón 6.02
Corea 5.92
Alemania 22.97
Alemania 20.46
Italia 11.43
Italia 9.38
Francia 7.10
apón 6.86
apón 4.88
Polonia 5.56
Reino Unido 4.25
China 5.32
San Vicente y las Granadinas
Dominica 17.85
EUU 38.63
Barbados 14.97
Trinidad y Tobago 17.86
Antigua y Barbuda 12.49
Reino Unido 7.28
Santa Lucia 11.68
China 6.77
Saint Kitts y Nevis 10.56
Japón 2.97
Mali 19.28
Francia 12.69
Suiza 14.96
China 11.10
India 8.35
Nigeria 8.67
Isla bunker 4.54
apón bajos 6.53
España 3.83
India 6.44
Italia 12.25
Alemania 13.42
Alemania 11.94
Italia 9.36
Bosnia y Herzegovina 7.92
China 8.37
Rumania 5.93
Rusia 7.87
Rusia 5.32
Hungría 4.80
Sierra Leona 2017
Países bajos 23.03
China 16.78

China 13.02
India 7.82
Cote d´Ivoire 12.19
Turquía 7.18
Ghana 11.70
Bélgica 6.43
Reino Unido 8.25
EAU 5.16
China 12.24
China 13.40
Hong Kong 11.82
Malasia 11.55
Malasia 10.90
EEUU 11.36
Indonesia 8.0
Otras zonas de Asia 8.48
EEUU 7.74
Japón 5.98
120. Sri Lanka 2017
EEUU 24.87
India 21.08

Reino Unido 8.88
China 19.65
India 6.72
EAU 7.34
Alemania 4.66
Singapur 6.06
Italia 4.53
apón 4.87
China 9.14
China 18.45
Alemania 7.17
Alemania 9.85
EEUU 6.79
EEUU 5.98
No especificado 6.32
Arabia Saudita 5.84
Reino Unido 5.15
India 4.15
Sudan 2017
EAU 40.24
China 22.00
China 17.32
EAU 10.64
Arabia saudita 14.16
Arabia saudita 6.91
Egipto 10.09
India 6.86
Etiopia 3.56
Japón 5.59
Alemania 10.62
Alemania 17.90
Noruega 10.40
Países bajos 9.40
Finlandia 6.95
Noruega 8.64
Dinamarca 6.89
Dinamarca 7.07
EEUU 6.44
Reino Unido 4.98
Alemania 15.28
Alemania 20.74
EEUU 13.19
Reino Unido 9.53
China 9.74
Italia 7.64
Francia 6.36
CEEUU 7.63
India 5.74
Francia 7.12
No especificados 25.99
No especificados 42.16
Suiza 25.91
EEUU 18.10
EAU 19.46
Países bajos 9.70
Hong Kong 14.41
China 6.73
Bélgica 6.04
Trinidad y Tobago 2.98
China 11.95
China 20.05
EEUU 11.14
Japón 14.15
Japón 9.88
EEUU 6.10
Vietnam 5.13
Malasia 5.36
Hong Kong 4.96
EAU 4.29
Taiwán (aparece como otra zona de Asia no especificada)
China 28.81
China 18.78
Hong Kong 12.38
Japón 15.40
EEUU 11.84
EEUU 12.24
Japón 6.87
Corea 6.83
Singapur 6.17
Alemania 3.48
128. Tanzania
Ruanda 18.69
China 20.70
Kenia 9.23
India 14.30
Congo 8.48
EAU 10.24
Zambia 7.27
Arabia saudita 6.67
Uganda 5.30
Sudáfrica 5.14
Timor Oriental 2017
Indonesia 25.38
Indonesia 31.88
EEUU 22.30
China 15.12
Alemania 13.65
Singapur 13.09
China 8.49
Hong Kong 10.11
Australia 5.94
Vietnam 6.61
Togo 2017
Burkina faso 17.92
China 19.63
Benín 14.30
Francia 10.81
Ghana 7.58
Japón 5.07
Níger 6.35
Países bajos 4.97
India 6.12
Ghana 4.13
Trinidad y Tobago 2015
EEUU 41.73
EEUU 31.95
Argentina 6.75
Gabón 12.49
Colombia 4.07
China 7.10
Perú 3.90
Colombia 5.51
Chile 3.58
Rusia 4.88
132. Túnez 2017
Francia 30.58
Italia 15.58
Italia 16.47
Francia 15.06
Alemania 11.59
China 8.98
No especificados 4.74
Alemania 8.04
España 3.79
Turquía 4.54
Alemania 9.61
Rusia 9.86
Reino Unido 6.61
China 9.29
Italia 5.69 Alemania 9.15
Iraq 4.97
EEUU 5.55
EEUU 4.94
No especificados 4.95
Rusia 7.72
Rusia 14.15
Polonia 6.88
China 13.30
Italia 5.55
Alemania 10.46
Turquía 4.97
Belarus 6.62
Alemania 4.67
Polonia 6.37
Kenia 18.79
China 17.60
EAU 18.22
India 12.14
Sudan del Sur 11.52 EAU 11.65
Ruanda 6.85
Arabia saudita 8.99
Congo 6.62
Kenia 7.67
China 20.01
China 18.87
Brasil 15.11
Brasil 18.45
Zonas francas 12.69
Argentina 12.40
EEUU 6.10
EEUU 7.96
Argentina 5.46
Nigeria 4.11
No especificados 29.65
China 20.44
China 19.42
Rusia 19.54
Rusia 14.99
Corea 11.18
Kazajstán 11.17
Kazajstán 8.88
Turquía 7.93
Turquía 6.34
Vietnam 2017
EEUU 19.31
China 27.45

China 16.45
Corea 22.02
Japón 7.81
Japón 7.93
Corea 6.88
Otra zona de Asia no especi. 5.96
Hong Kong 3.52
Tailandia 5.02
Yemen 2015
Arabia saudita 32.16
EAU 11.47
Omán 17.01
China 10.78
No especificados 11.24
Arabia saudita 8.58
Somalia 6.61
Turquía 6.88
Japón 5.46
India 5.68
Suiza 42.08
Sudáfrica 28.82
China 14.45
Congo 14.73
Congo 8.54
China 13.64
Singapur 7.53
EAU 6.30
Sudáfrica 4.85
India 4.68
141. Zimbabue
Sudáfrica 51.48
Sudáfrica 39.28
EAU 18.14
Singapur 21.66
No especificados 14.74
China 5.71
Mozambique 9.71
Reino Unido 3.61
Zambia 1.65
Japón 3.45

* North Korea does not appear, but as we all know, this country depends on more than 90% of its trade from China. Statistics from Cuba and Venezuela are very old in this report, so they have not been considered, but these countries depend heavily on China, especially on their imports. Neither do other countries appear in this table, most of them small and with little trade, since their statistics are quite old.
Source: World Integrated Trade Solution, WITS