miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Un articulo mio publicado en "Chinese Social Sciences Today", un diario patrocinado por la Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) y publicado por Social Sciences in China Press.

Abajo esta el articulo en ingles y adjunto en idioma chino:


"The celebration of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China (NPC) and the National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) happens in an important moment of China history. China rise as the second largest economy in the world surpassing Japan and behind only the United States and the fact that it could weather the financial and economic crisis that began at the end of the year 2008, achieving an impressive 8.7% annual economic growth in 2009 while most others countries suffered a recesion or barely record a positive growth, testifies a lot about China rapid advance since the introduction of economic reforms from 1978 onward..

The NPC as China’s top legislature and the CCPCC as the country’s top advisory body have a decisive role in guiding China in its continuous economic growth in a stable social and political environment. The challenges ahead are several:

First, to achieve a balanced economic growth, so the benefits of it could be enjoyed by everybody, emphasis should be put in the strengthening of the economic foundations of the inland regions. China began its economic reforms first with the development of the coastal areas, and as a result they are more developed and the income earned by people living there are on average nearly three times of the inland region. Improve of the physical infrastructure, in the education, dwelling, and health conditions of people living in inland areas would increase its standards of living and also help to create a more stable social situation in the whole country.

Second, another important theme is achieving a balance between economic growth and the environment. In this sense China, as a major player in the world economy, has a responsibility for taking care of the environment. For this it has to find a way so the conservation of the environment does not hinder its economic development. The introduction of clean and energy saving technologies should help in achieving that balance.

Third, the achievement of a harmonic economic relationship with foreign countries, especially in the commercial side, should be an objective of China. The trade imbalances in favor of China result in frictions with foreign partners. For this some measures, like the strengthening in the long run of the national currency, the yuan, commensurate to the strengthening of the Chinese economy should take place. This would benefit also China, as it could help to increase the standard of living of its habitants by making cheaper the acquisition of foreign goods and assets

Fourth, the policy of one child per family perhaps could be revisited. Increases in the standards of living and in the education level of people, especially of women, reduce the desire to have a large family. Sex imbalance due to the fact that most families prefer to have boys than girls should be corrected.

Firth, the development of a more active democratic participation should be encouraged. As standards of living improve in China, and as people become more educated, interest in politics will increase. This should be accommodated in a gradual way.

The two meetings, of the NPC and the CPPCC have important decisions to take in a range of fields, together with establishing the basis of the next line up of leadership of China. A stable transition to a new generation of leaders has contributed, up to now, to a successful economic development in the country.
Anyway, China rise as an economic power should be seen as a natural fact, given that it comprises more than one fifth of the world population, is a country with a millenarian culture and the reality that up to the beginning of the nineteen century the size of its economy was nearly a third of the world economy (actually being nearly ten per cent). China place in the world is assured and this is already bringing to the rest of the world a lot of benefits, from the provision of cheap goods, the demand for resources from rich natural resources countries, and specially the achievement of a more balanced power in world politics, up to now dominated by a sole superpower, the USA."

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